nobilaty for a eb drop

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by High_five_ghost, Nov 6, 2013.

  1. I have an idea for nobs this idea if for a ceartin eb every day to drop ceartin nobs rangeing from 1 to 10 u could only do the eb one time to avoid abuse of it by that i mean one time to get nobs the drops are random so u get 0 for low hits wat do u think
  2. Any questins wall or follow me
  3. Or i think we just post the questions HERE and you answer them HERE
  4. @PlaneMaster
  5. Ahem! Planemaster not a random capital M in the middle!
  6. ok what the hell ever u guys wanna do
  7. We think that nobs should be kept rare so people buy it and devs earn cash to keep kaw going, happy?
  8. Thts my point it would be rare
  9. If it drops from EBs everybody would be EB fairies and not buy Nobs. By that, Devs would not earn money as well as continue working on the game as it would not be worth it. It is due to the Devs not earning any money, making the game progress much slower.
  10. no support from me. Kaw developers will lose money and their will be less regualer updates.
  11. hey i had that idea in my head long enough knew it would get hate
  12. what is the point in this when u can just hit the quests to get nobs i have completed all the quests so now whenever i have spare troops i hit the 1st few quests and u get random nob drops so nobody would ever give u more chance to get free nob apretiate what u already have :) peaace out
  13. Lol idiot...nobility next's gonna be haunt escape x204871? Wtf lol