No Trollerino Pleaserino

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Seth, Jun 22, 2015.

  1. Off in a land not really that far away, a little boy sat in his room. He cried. He had to thweg. All the other thwegalicious boys made fun of him. They looked at him with their trollish faces and spat mad rhymes which contained great detail of the disappointment he gave his famiry.

    The boy woke up one day and decided it was enough. He would hunt down his thweg. His adventure awaited him.

    His parents came into the kitchen, and saw him packing his bags. He was stuffing food and credit cards into his school bag. They were very angry and took the credit cards, then went to sleep again.

    The boy left, beans and water to nourish him for the coming journey.

    The boy practiced his drake style thweg pose and thweg walk. He would be the thwegiest boy on the block.

    Little wanna be thweg boy was getting tired and the sky was erring dark. He found himself a little trash can to sleep inside. After all, he would wake up with something to eat y'know. Lojik.

    Okay, no. This is bad. Thanks (not really Trololololol) for reading. Get out. You wasted like 2 minutes of your life. Love you <3
  2. Aw, you wubs me.
  3. Support thwegylicious Setherino.
  4. Im da bes
  5. I wasted 30 seconds of my life reading this but you definitely wasting much longer typing it
  6. Kappa Kappa Kappa
  7. Bump. I wanna waste more peoples time.
  8. At least it's a little entertaining :p
  9. This thread works.. It's like a quick slap on the face from ur girlfriend before the angry make out..

    Quick, stings a little, and pleasurable
  10. Wise words.