No not Lemmy

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Rikkimaru, Dec 29, 2015.

  1. Today we lose another legend of rock, with the passing of Lemmy.

    Below is the official statement from Motörhead

  2. New phone, who dis?

  3. :lol:
  4. Yea man.. Yea. I'm going to go blast Bad Magic.

    He lived fun. I think he enjoyed his time.
  5. He sure was an Ace of Spades
  6. As goes the lyrics in ace of spades "I don't wanna live forever"
  7. Rip to a true metal legend. Lemmy was hardcore!

  8. Damn.. Looks like he got killed by death..

    So sad
  9. Lol. There was a close up gif of him but I chose not to use it bc he is absolutely ugly as hell. 10/10 musician but 1/10 cover model. Death took its time with him tho... He lived like ozzy for 70 yrs.
  10. Rip Lemmy. My dad thanks you for the music.
  11. Who would win in a fight Lemmy vs God?

    Trick question.

    Lemmy is God.

    Born to Raise Hell
  13. Well played good sir.
  14. 

    RIP Lemmy
  15. Lemmy is God and he is simply taking back his throne.

  16. What a great musician im very saddened by this news all Ik is now Lenny is rocking with all the other great rockers who r now passed on!!

    RIP Lemmy
  17. Motörhead were the loudest band in the world during their time.

     you win some. You lose some. It's all the same to me..