As some of you remember. Villain knight was the alter ego of valiant knight. I come back and must have lost my lethality to qualify for the villain knight name colors. Are you interested in being a villain knight with me? The requirements for the position are as follows (unless they have been updated) -Strip farm at least 500bil and max xtal on the target, who must be an admin of a clan with 50 members -Attack/spy (successfully) a valiant knight at least 10 times every 24hrs -Hit an EB no more than 200 times in a 24hr period (use mainly for self pinning) -Always be active on WC baiting targets (EB ads will negate all previous tasks if caught) There was never an achievement made but that was the point. To be a myth. A legend. So complete these tasks and enjoy your exclusive name plate and hidden bonuses! Trust me, it's so worth it
Cmon frog. You can troll anything you want but don't mislead the good people who want this chance to be unique.
The fear factor is gone, yes. But that's good. I get to start over and jump out of the shadows again. It's all about the challenge
I totally support the Villain Knights!! I will even supply with free costumes.. ...cos.. You know.. You're not a knight until you stepped into a spandex suit and feel every bulge of your muscles rubbing against the spandex... Here's Cynder Here's Frog..
I am who I am because cynder believed in me. He loved me and showed me how to collect noob tears