No More ASW

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lllllI-Southern_Cross-Illlll, Nov 4, 2013.

  1. So here is what i was thinking bout the ASW.
    It will never happen AGAIN! there are players out there that dont even know how a system war works.

    They dont know how to work in a system war, how to prevent leaks and all things old school.

    Since the release of EE wars it has put the rope around the neck of SW and pulled the leaver.

    I am sad that there wont ever again be a ASW as i just missed out on the 2nd ASW and thought theres always NEXT year. I guess i was wrong!
  2. Should've joined the first
  3. the first one i was still learning the ropes
  4. Sniffle, sniffle... sad times indeed.
  5. I had a player as to join me in a SW......I thought they meant SW... but they meant EE...

    You know.. You can always make a clan, and declare war on them.

    But there is no pay out anymore. So..
  6. Asw is after EE Season 2 devs said in forums a few weeks back x
  7. The devs could always make this ASW in an EE format. Would be chaotic though. Hard to track the ?250? opposing players.
  8. they allowed top 10k before and with all the gh I could see that being a problem
  9. The increase it every year, so maybe more than top 10K this time.
  10. What are you talking about? Devs said in a previous post a month or so ago stating that the asw well come after s2. When asw are over they begin rolling out s3 next year.
  11. I miss the old wars
  12. Everyone knows the ASW will be huge EE's, not SW's :roll:
  13. i didnt see the post from the devs saying there will be a ASW.

    And if you chose to be gh/ght thats your choice.

    And i seriously doubt that if there is a ASW it wont be like the old SW, it will be like EE i recon.
  14. Hey cross you should buy me back mate my new owner doesnt talk to me I feel oh so alone.
  15. I think sw wars should still be around. I mean YOLO right? There's no harm in keeping them
  16. You missed out on the 2nd ASW? You do realize that there was a third ASW last year... Right?
  17. lol soix your just alil overpriced
  18. I say we keep the tacos and kill the enchiladas. Who agrees?
  19. I would love to see the new ee war system put into a clan filled with 200 LB accounts. A true war to look at for 24 hours. I say make it happen.

    I think this would be a true ASW IMO. Maybe better then the others. ;)