No Matching Compensation?

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Static, Oct 17, 2013.

  1. I understand the need to not over/under match clans based on strength & hit ratios. That being said, it would be nice if these "no matches" would produce at least 1 Rancor level. Some of us want the level 50 Rancor and its starting to be out of our control. Thank you.
  2. 10+ no matchs a war come on really....
  3. I agree static even a rancor eb based on the amount of hits +1 or +2
  4. Devs ^ thats a great idea, bro. Add rancor to tvp consolidation??
  5. ^^^^^ Good Idea. Should consider it.
  6. I don't have a solution for this but I want to point out the exploit here. Most observant ee folks would pick a team with too wide of a hit ratio threshold to match well others and take advantage of the no matches. Not hard to create that type of roster. No support without a solution to that exploit.
  7. Don't support
  8. That exploit has a pretty simple solution, Rancor lvl goes up 1 every 5 or 6 no matches that way there is no point in that because it would take longer than actually warring :)