No Match

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Resilient_Bomb, May 20, 2014.

  1. So just wondering how it's possible to get a no match when DTW/DTS is turned off. With those features turned off wouldn't that mean every clan that signs up should get a match? Unless there was an odd man out situation and if that's the case I think kaw_admin or kaw_community should inform the KaWmunity.

    Anyone have any other logical reason why there would be a no match other than odd man out?
  2. Devs were high and missed the dart board with each dart so just gave out tons of no matches
  3. Horribly bad matchups? And I mean horrible, where the chance of successfully hitting on one side is 1% or lower while the other side can go nuts on them
  4. Just because DTW/DTS is turned off, doesn't mean you should get a match, they still take into account that some clans are probably using all sh, others are using a normal roster. What this means is even if DTW/DTS is turned off, you would only get matched with a clan with equal bfe/bfa/raw stat or close to equal bfe/bfa/raw stats.
  5. Rikkimaru, match up isn't based on successfully hitting, its just based on hit ratio. With dtw and dts turned off everyone has 100 percent hit ratio. Therefore you rank everyone 1 through 50 on strength, then you match 1 v 2, 3 v 4, so on and so forth. No possible reason for all these no matches tonight
  6. Ok I get what you're saying but that just shows that eliminating or turning off DTW/DTS is the wrong way to go to better the EE system. The algorithm they are using needs serious tweaking
  7. Waluigi you missed my point. A match up (with dtw mech turned off) where one side could not hit 99% of the other side would do nothing more than frustrate and infuriate the team that loses. I believe they try for at least a "fair" match up, even though the match ups still come out retarded.
  8. If you match based on strength a clan using 5 bigs can't match 15 sh.
  9. Considering its an 11 man roster good call.
  10. Yeah just because there is no Dtw/DTS does not mean devs can match you up with just anybody. Just because you can hit them doesn't mean you will perform well in war against a bigger clan. If you get matched against a big clan people will complain. If you get no match people complain.
  11. 15 man war rikk, but nice try at being intelligent,

    Martin, I just got done saying successful actions means nothing. Base off strength and match 1 v 2, 3 v 4 and so on so forth
  12. One of the big reasons people are complaining about the current EE system is the sh issue. All this shows is that eliminating DTS/DTW will do nothing to rid EE wars of the sh issue. And as it has been pointed out the devs take a number based off of combined stats/BFE/BFA and lump similar clans together and match based off of that grouping. That's why I think kaw_community or kaw_admin should make a post to let those clans know why there was a no match
  13. It's the clans that still use sh. More clans need to grow a pair and war with out them or use them at a minimum.
  14. No dtw/dts has nothing to do NM and with the hit/ratio that devs use during matchups if devs doesn't find a clan that has close hit/ratio to your clan then you get NM. During matchups devs take hit/ratio in to consideration and not dtw/dts this dtw/dts is set off only when war starts !!!!!!
  15. How are you guys still not understanding this . From what MK says, that you should get a match because everyone is equal. But comparing a hfbc attack build vs a sh, they are obviously not equal. Just because you can hit them. Doesn't mean the stats match up. Based on what you guys are saying, a 15 man roster with LB's can match a sh only clan.
  16. It could be possible that the match up algorithm is still matching up based on dtw/dts being on. But the war itself is off. Could be the issue.
  17. It really doesn't matter if Dtw/Dts is on or not. Matching algorithm appears to be working the same for each war type.