No Match

Discussion in 'Wars' started by JustKilo, Jan 8, 2014.

  1. We have gotten 7 no matches in 3 days. I know this is chaos wars but would like to know why we keep getting no matches
  2. Who knows? Keep trying
  3. He knows but he is not telling
  4. Hope about people who actually do Ee post here. I know there are a few of you getting a insane amount of no matches
  5. Try bringing your roster closer to the mean CS (average).
  6. I am running 5 gh, almost every clan is doing this so Cs is not the answer.
  7. ... Your GH could be to small...
  8. 3 ght and 2 SOS level 1
  9. Have you tried changing the number's a bit? Like 4 GHs or 6 GHs?
  10. "Your gh could be too small."

    That's what she said
  11. We was getting more no matches with 4 gh. And we don't want to run 6-7 cause we are not a lb clan
  12. You guys could be signing up too late, giving your clan a chance to be the "Odd man out."
  13. We sign up 1 hr before signups
  14. People still run GH? Sos1 gives better hit ratio calculations.
  15. Devs dunt like you
  16. No LB and 5 GH please, please, please match us 
  17. They are SOS level 1 but typo but that's not the pint do either say something helpful or buzz off.
  18. Can't spell worth a lick today