33 clans in 3 wars no match up. Thats one hell of a fail % on your part devs. Do you seriously think your match up system is working. How are we supposed to reach the required Rancor level with all these no match ups. I suggest you give each member of failed match up clans1 level of Rancor, its your fault not ours we can't war. From a disgruntled Kawer who spent a fotune on xtals to upgrade before war only to get a no match up.
We the people complain about getting shitty matchups but getting no matches get rid of the majority of the shitty matches
Maybe you should consider fixing your roster line ups to fit the criteria. It isn't the devs faults that your providing them with a roster that cannot match with others.
How is it a fail on the devs part. They could make a clan and get matched no problem. You and 32 other clans can't... fail much?
it has been said before and i'll say it again. if the devs gave rancor levels for no matches clans would exploit by making un matchable teams. but as an after thought. if most clans made the same un matchable teams they would no doubt get matched. food for thought.
Wasn't the whole reason their are no match ups is because people whined and said a no match was better than miss match?
As I recall the kaw community. All wanted bettersize match ups. An wernt so worried about the no match ups... so that's what the debate did.. stop complaining. An try to adjust ur war roster to optimize ur chances of a match up... maybe raise/ lower bfa,bfe or cs