No match-up fix

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ldeasAreBuIIetproof, Mar 30, 2013.

  1. My Idea

    Instead of people trying to match up with another clan, why not when signed up, view a list of all the other clans signed up waiting for a match and their current strength and how many are warring? This way you can see why you are getting a no match-up and how to combat this, and if you really are unable to match them systematically, then I propose a challenge button for last ditch wars, but here's the catch you're only allowed to declare on clans stronger than you in 1or2 aspects, not on a completely smaller clan. Hope this solves the problem :D
    Edit* You can only declare on a single clan once every season to stop main and alts starting another pw
  2. Yes because this idea is TOTALLY smart and not flawed.
  3. How is this flawed? I can edit it if need be
  4. And what if clan A is strongest? They cant war?
  5. If they have a massive strength advantage over clan B and C then drop clan A out of the equation and you have a fair war.
  6. There is just no pleasing you people.
  7. clan a would rage on forums like u are doing now.
  8. Sweet we can put all of our alts in clan B and declare it on our mains in clan A!!! Won't even have to mith!

    Bad idea
  9. My proposal : dont do ee wars. Eb gear is better and osw's are funnier.
  10. I got a match-up, and I hardly seem to be raging?
  11. Well why did you make this thread?
  12. Are you kidding Womb? Eb equipment sucks
  13. To help others who didn't get a match-up? Was this not obvious?
  14. Okay, time to be a Grammar Nazi. That comma is unnecessary. Also, that was not a question so there is no need for a question mark.

    I'm done.
