Discussion in 'Wars' started by -LlGHTNING-, Mar 28, 2013.

  1. Dear Devs,

    This is the second time in a row that we have gotten the "No Match Up Found" result. This is an issue that needs to be addressed and repaired. How is one, or a clan supposed to gain Rancor Wars points, or prestige points if you or the clan can not war?

    I propose getting rid of the "No Match Up Found" system and enabling the "Forfeit" option at the half way point of the war.This would allow all clans to war that want to war. The outcome of a war is largely based on the war experience of the clan members that are warring anyway. So why try to fix something that you cant fix? Yes it does help even the match system up based on player strength and numbers, but if you view my clans war history we have faced larger clans, smaller clans, and stronger clans all with the same outcome.

    Just please do us all a favor, and get rid of the "NO MATCH UP FOUND".

    Thanks, ll-II-LlGHTNlNG-II-ll

    P.s. This is not just the second time getting "No Match Up Found", we have gotten this many times and i believe twice in a row at least 3 times..
  2. Some clans have gotten it 4times, I have never gotten it myself. What do you get for a no match
  3. 3rd for us!
  4. @kobk we get nothing
  5. Like I said in the other thread: I can undestand your grief, but your clan should observe other clans, by that i mean try to get common numbers like: 35-40 :)
  6. I'll bet Fk is real happy you are posting whiny crap to forum 
  7. no payout for no matchup? what is that crap? why punish ppl for wanting to war and not being able to because devs can't find us an "equal" match
  8. @ I_I_I-DarkAce07-I_I_I

    we do try to keep to the same numbers as other clans. Depending on the war we limit the number of members who can join based on how many members other clans have joining.. ie 28-30 for the smaller war size restrictions and 33-37 for the larger wars
  9. I like the post for a resolution. By: -Gnaard-
  10. If you removed the no match up system, which was done before btw, all that happened is AT was full of waaaaaaaaah our match up was one sided threads, either way you complainers are gonna find a way to complain about the Rancor Season.

    Either 1. Deal with it or 2. Find a way to be in larger clans that do regular Estoc Wars.
  11. Boba you should probably think before you speak, we are in a clan that wars 12 times a week how would joining a bigger clan that wars more be possible...
  12. @Kozmo, not my problem I'd suggest figuring that out between you and your clan mates, I'm not the one with difficulty finding Estoc matches and complaining about them in a public forum for anyone to give their opinion on the matter.
  13. Crapp!! With these ishit match up means no support from us buying xtals
  14. Dev

    u better limit clan size 27-33. then less match up problem.
  15. Last war 4 had 14/68 clan no match up (20.5%). So, no match up is normal 
  16. 3rd here and I'm fed up
  17. I like itllllllllllll idea
  18. @WWWWWW...
    So there's 14 Clans that didn't find a matchup.
    My clan would be happy to face any one of those clans. I don't known why the Devs can't make matchups out of those 14 remaining.
  19. Where did those numbers come from?
  20. No support, just because u are in RH, (probably 100% win rate in that bracket), doesn't meanothers will have to suffer a serious mismatch, sorry OP.