"No match system." - Rant.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by W32SQLE_Anarchy, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. Yup, I know that there are threads on this already and yup, I know there are more to come. So maybe, the devs will get it into their thick heads, the real effect of the no match system.

    So far, I heard there are 12 clans that got the no match... For too big or too small. That's 12 clans who just lost the chance to earn mith, or get an EE, which is just, plain, rude.

    So, here we go.

    Devs, the answer to all of this isn't simply to say, "Well, our algorithm sucks ass but since we can't be stuffed at spending some time trying to fix it, we'll just squander other clans hopes of warring." The idea, is to fix the algorithm!

    Now sure, someone will reply, something along the lines of "If you want the algorithm fixed, how about you write it. Derp."

    Well here's the thing, I'm not a developer, who makes a small fortune off an iPhone app, with dedicated teams and high-end resources to do it. This is their job - not mine.

    Next, I don't understand, how the devs plan on bringing war, back to KaW, if 10-20 clans are going to get kicked out every week! Who cares if you get unbalanced match ups, you win some, you lose some - get over it already.

    A lot of you will say that's rich coming from someone in GHC. Well, I've only been here a couple days, I've lost a countless amount of EE because of an unbalanced matchups - I didn't come onto forums having a cry about it!

    Now, onto the compensation for the 'No match system'. 10 mith. Yup, 10 mith. I think this is even more of a joke then the system itself, a mere spit in the face of anyone who was wanting to war.

    Firstly, it's a double mith weekend! I could have made 70-90 mith off of this war, yet I'm left with 10 because people had a cry in forums over 1 unbalanced matchup?

    Nextly, Estoc's Edge. Anyone who got no match should at least be given a level to their EE. Even if this means no mith. You can say too bad, you didn't war. Well, we are the ones who had to miss out to ensure you didn't end up butt-hurt, we signed up, we were there to do it. Too bad whether we didn't win or not, we didn't get the chance to work together as a team, have fun, earn mith and kick ass.

    So that sums my rant up, I'm sure there'll be people who tell me there are already these threads or whatever, you will be ignored.

    To sun up the main points.
    • Firstly, get rid of the no match system, that is the best way to go about it.
    • Secondly, focus on fixing the algorithm, not always finding the easy way around things devs!
    • Thirdly, if you are going to keep it in place, fix the compensation, it should be at least 30 mith, or 10 mith and an EE level. It's not my fault I couldn't war - it's yours.

    Thankyou, TL;DRers will be ignored, if you're small enough you become a target.

    Have a good day, and as always, let the contraversy begin. ;)

    - Anarchy. :lol:
  2. 100% support
  3. Support. I say all EE clans go on strike till this is sorted.
  4. Alright, I was just made aware that Guild Inc. didn't get a match up either... HELLO DEVS? We are effectively the same strength... How in hell does that work?

    - I will be making a list of supporters on this thread.

    - Once we reach a certain amount (TBD), I will email list to devs.

    - Feel free to just write support, but i'd love to hear some voices too!
  5. Support.
  6. Support
  7. That'd be great Val, but I doubt it'd happen :(
  8. Yes! GO ON STRIKE!
  10. I will not spend one cent on this game, until this is sorted, I am more disappointed then I have ever been with all of this...
  11. Farm the mods farm each other farm the system revolt rebel against these scingy nazi's. can't spell that scingy lol
  12. Support by the way
  13. Anyone who writes "No-support" will have been one of those to actually war today.

    I want you to think how you would feel if you were told you can't and lost your chance at earning EE and Mith.

    Then make your comment.
  14. I would like to say, if the devs choose to ignore all these threads, I promise I am done with this game, there are plenty more I can play.

    :) thanks for support people, will edit in names shortly.
  15. I think there should be a base mithril value given to the clans that could not find match ups; about 20 sounds good with current prices and mithril payouts, and the estoc edge should have an amount of time added to it.