Clans in estoc war should not FF when the war is almost over or when it star. Because u get little mith in return after they FF.Like really u wanted to do EEwar then u FF.
Nah, it depends a lot on the integrity of the clan getting their ass kicked I think. We've seen a lot of clans get spanked whether it be because of unfair match ups or inexperience. A lot of these clans fought a losing battle diligently to the end. These clans came away from the war knowing that despite the insurmountable odds, they didn't give up. To me it shows more of what a clan is really worth, and what kind of clan they might become by not throwing in the towel. It's players like that that I'd like fighting by my side if the time ever arose.
It's a four hour war. Why give up. Some clans have pulled off amazing comebacks. We have been outnumbered 2-1 and still won and respect to all that fight to the end. If you were winning and the enemy ff would you respect them for denying you your rewards and mith that you fought hard for. Worst case go grab a cup of coffee and take the hits, best case prove you have the will to fight. No forfeit should be allowed in estocs trials. If your not willing to fight for four hours don't show up. Win or lose. It's about respect as well..
No support! As of now most of the huge losses are because of bad matchup or a lot of inactivity. There is no fun in getting pounded because of this reason, neither a fun for winning clan. As far as miths and pots are concerned, winning side get them back in form of myth. IMO, thee ones supporting this idea just want to capitalize in the expense of their weak opponents.
i support not ffing. merc inc had our ass beat in our first shot at these wars, we didnt ff though and i feel its a lack of morals and standards for a clan to ff. quiters never win right?
@ Nash I've guested and been on losing side ( staying in home clans for future wars lol) And we didn't quit. If we get thrashes due to bad match up then fine so be it. It's not our opponents fault why should they be denied their reward. You would still want yours. Quit whining about being beaten. Also at home clan we have won when outnumbered 2-1 on actives. Always fight if your not all prepared to war the whole four hours don't sign up and leave the wars for those who want to fight. Win or lose you should fight to the end. And until matchups are fixed show opponents respect and at least bother to fight. Or try to.
True drgn, but if your 100bil down at half way stage would you still want to keep going? Would it not be better to ff so instead of wasting next 2 hours not getting a hit in you could re-pot or something like that?