
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by Lildvl-_-Wr3cks_-_ThAt-_-AzZ, Jul 21, 2022.

  1. I would like to give a shout-out to Nico he has tirelessly been helping out smaller players helping with equip/furn/growth/charms just to name a few things he does.In my eyes he has deserved to be recognized please join me in thanking him for his effort...#nico for VK#...
    Thrawn and renamed360 like this.
  2. Yea we love Nico. Not sure this thread is gonna last long but I’m a fan of supporting good people so
  3. Nico straight up donates furniture and charms to smaller players. Support
  4. Yes also he helps smalls when big players try to drop build and pick on the smalls . And does gold transfers too. It was great coming back to kaw after a 7 year hiatus and having someone being that helpful on advice and giving gold .thanks Nico 💕
  5. Ty all for the love you have shown me and the smalls in kaw way all of your help I could not have done this without you all thank you so much ❤❤❤❤
  6. Nico is selfless and very brave. He once saved my child from a burning building. Yes, I may have started the fire. No, it wasn't actually my kid. Am I under arrest, officer?

    But none of that matters. What matters is that Nico is an overall decent fella! You rock, Nico!

    (Alright Nico, where's that $5 you promised me?!)
  7. Ty nice for all you do
  8. Keep up the good work
  9. Nico once rescued me and B00B child (also me) from a burning building and even more than that, he was present to walk my baby down the aisle while I was getting surgery for my ligma.

    Nico is a prince and everyone should give Nici their firstborn as a sacrifice so that our harvests will be plentiful this season.

    Nick please never destroy us for we are but your humble worshippers, you are quite literally a god among us mere mortals.
    B00B00tehBEAR_RAWR likes this.