New World Order vs Aurora

Discussion in 'Wars' started by KillerNumber, Sep 19, 2014.

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  1. This Thread was made to explain how the OSW Started and To show that the accusations ( and for the Aurora members that are Pinned 25/8 that have nothing else to do) that were made on me and my clan are false.

    I pmed za_killer, NWO was planning on opening a sub clan to extend our member base to small players and I did in fact ask him if he would run the clan. all the Christian **** and him not joining was all true.

    But I did not at ANYTIME threaten to reset za_killer if he did not run the clan. He asked if it could be ran with his alt. I had ignored him and he panicked. :lol:



    he then pmed Hera (Aurora Owner) and made the false accusation. (Sadly I do not have any SS to show convo with Hera because she unfollowed and followed a bunch of times and I lost the convo) she then questioned me if I had done it blah blah blah.

    We eventually came to an agreement that I would 1v1 za_killer and if I were to strip/reset Allie Aurora would jump in. I proceeded to farm za_killer. He then decided to DROP the reset bomb (xX_Piccolo_Xx).

    Hera Claims that Head-Honcho Started hitting Za_killer and broke 1v1 Terms. Za_killer wanted to look like the tough guy so he made his 2nd thread "calling out" NWO...


    Hera did not bother to check the Allie but saw za_killer naked. She then started talking trash in za's cry for help on forums then Hit our members. We Retaliated AND Boom

    I Followed Hera and asked her if she would like her side of the OSW on forums so it wouldn't be a "one sided" thread, She refused and said it was my Cry for help. SS Below


    I would also like to announce that we have stripped 737B worth of allies from Aurora.

    Hope You Enjoyed Back to Kicking Their Asses
  2. Ahh yes more threads on this 0.0
  3. good luck, have fun
  4. Only inc I've has is the occasional hits from temp. Meanwhile you're all DTW. Please stop talking killer, none of your clan has a ******* clue what you're going on about. Especially you and goofy...
  5. Reaper 1/3 steal NP
  6. I've been up all day. I've only received inc from Hera so far (when she self pins). If you think everyone's pinned, I think you should actually try hitting and see for yourself 
  7. I'm sorry, but you claim to have us pinned 25/8? I see something wrong in this already, I believe that it's known as 24/7 as of... Whenever humans decided to call it that! Get with the program Killer D:.

    We're debating, who has broken through the most layers of stupidity? Killernumber or Goofy? Poor misguided goofy believed he was a 37 mil cs hansel, xtalled himself 9 times and stripped himself! Then claiming he potted

    "He's on some good ****"

    Now, according to the immortal words of dear Honcho himself, he indeed claimed that 'ol DBAD did in fact take all that gold.

    Also, I've been sitting on a full bar thoroughly my French test, I mean c'mon! >.>
  8. Off forums please..
  9. Hera DTW , btw how could db have a xtalled 9 times and unload FB on goofy without him going "DTW" plus the rest of ur clan.
  10. Killer.... You've just dropped through another layer of stupidity..... Maybe learn the god damn PS mechanics . Hey killer, want to show the SS of claiming multiple times to reset the alt?
  11. lets stop bitching and get some ss of news(lets make this current and not be pussies about it imma watch all the w/l ratio)
  12. Go for it hera it was after u started insulting me and my clan/threatening to OSW. Show it plz!
  13. i wanna get in on dis!!!
  14. well hera your sisters fat
  15. Btw, I would also like to say that if za_killer does post his SS of me threatening to reset piccolo. It's when he ran from the OSW vs RoD.Explained
  16. Serge always knows best.
  17. I'm sorry, I must deny those claims sergeant D:, you see.... I have a fat brother 

    Do us all a favour and chuck your ignorance and arrogance out the window killer.... Please learn your god damn builds 

    RoD vs you idiots is completely irrelevant, you said it yourself killer. This is no longer about just the killer incident , remember all those PM's about insults and how you would no longer discuss? 
  18. O.O damn
  19. Discuss what?

    And if za does have any SS of me threatening to reset the Allie it's before any if this happened. It was after insulting me then running vs RoD
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