new war time for Australasia :)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by mdjbags, Dec 4, 2013.

  1. Checkout devs updated war times.

    There is a new war listed for 8pm melbourne time Thursday (5pm.singapore).

    Get involved people.

    There will many first time war newbs for this timeslot. Dont be worried if u have little or no experience. Join in the fun.

  2. Wtf is australsia? LMAO :Lol:
  3. Australasia is Australia, New Zealand and neighboring islands in the South Pacific.
  4. I know that he meant Australia but the type made me laugh :lol:
  5. Australasia isn't just Australia, he or she didn't make a typo.
  6. Fail troll is fail :lol:
  7. Australasia

    Also New Zealand and surrounding pacific islands.

    And yes war time is good ;-)
  8. Good work bags!!!
  9. That's what I put 1c3...
  10. Fail trolls fail :lol:
  11. Thank you devs. Now if you could only include AEDT times for all wars please
  12. Astralasia lol love it
  13. Nobody cares about arsetralia.
  14. Actually fatty, if you want my opinion I'd say Australia is the best country in the world. Low everything bad, high everything good. So you can take your "not worth it" arse and stay right away from this amazing country, you stupid racist pig.
  15. oh look, the people who side with NA being jerks. Glad to hear the devs made admissions for you all in Aussyland, New Zeland btw is rated the most free country in the world. Take this knowledge.
  16. New Zealand>Arsetralia
  17. Not all Australians decend from criminals 
  18. Lol...failed trolls. Yes...if you know basic geography or politics, then you know what Australasia is...and im keen a mustard for that war.
    Good stuff devs 