New war system individual sign out

Discussion in 'Wars' started by thebossmancometh, Nov 1, 2012.

  1. I'm not sure if this has been addressed by anyone, or if anyone cares for that matter, but I'd like your guys thoughts.
    I think that if your clan signs up for a new style war with all that in tails, an individual member should have the option too sign out of the war. This is because not all war times work for everyone as this is a global game, and many clans have members from all time zones. It seems unfair too me that a solid and dependable member of your clan has too either leave or get hammered if they can't be online at that time.
    My idea is there should be a sign out button that an individual can press that opts them out of the war. It should allow them too stay in clan but take no part in the war, take no hits from the other side or make hits on anyone.
    It should only be available too people who have been in the clan for at least 2 weeks prior too the war.
    As I say it's only my thoughts as it seems unfair on a long term member too have too leave the clan if real life gets in the way of kaw for a few hours, and then they miss out on the clans potential victory bonus's. I should ad that owners should be able too veto this option for each individual if they feel they don't pull their weight in the clan and dont deserve it.
    I'd like too hear what you think
  2. Too much trouble just leave the clan for the weekend. Devs need to focus on the war and the issues from it not something that isn't a problem.
  3. I'm not talking about just this weekend but as an option for every war
  4. Chances are that there is going to be some people offline on the other side of the war, too.
  5. IF the idea is too keep clans together you have too give ppl the option of not warring if it's not suitable for them without them having too leave the clan for weeks on end because of fear of resetting the victory bonus
  6. Well that is a choice they are gonna have to make it shouldn't be the devs problem if they can't be active every war.
  7. I agree with you. If someone wars but has to miss one because of rl. Leaving the clan will make them lose their bonus. Just because other members chose to sit out all wars but are a member of the clan, they shouldn't get the war bonus.
  8. um...don't you have to actively engage in the war to participate in it anyway?

    the beta tests notwithstanding.
  9. Nope, every member auto-joins
  10. No it's auto join
  11. I believe it should be a join war button like other system wars, then no reason to have to leave
  12. It's auto join and my understanding is the start times are on a rotation too suit ppls time zones. Surely then you should have an opt out for the wars that don't suit you so as not too miss out on the bonus. Bonus's I should add you have helped get other levels of in the wars that suited your life/time zone
  13. You want them to be able to opt out of war, but still receive victory bonuses? That's just wrong. Fight or flight. Its not that big of an ordeal to visit another clan. In fact those relationships can be highly useful later.
  14. Not everyone is able too be online 24/7 and not everyone is in the same tz they may have fought hard in 5 other wars too build the bonus but can't do that one war
  15. Not everyone is able too be online 24/7 and not everyone is in the same tz they may have fought hard in 5 other wars too build the bonus but can't do that one war
  16. Sorry for the double post
  17. ^ Agree with Alexya, one should not be able to reap the benefits of a war they took no part in. If they push the button, they should be excluded from all clan rewards and bonuses as well.
  18. IMO by not allowing a feature like this it encourages clans too only have members of broadly the same time zone. While this may be good for the new system war it defeats the object of a global social war game. It also leaves that clan open too big time overnight strips in osw.

    What am I saying bring that onξ„…ξ„…ξ„…ξ„…
  19. **** your clan. If you're tired, go to sleep. It's not going to be a turtle war where you have the stay pinned the whole time. There is more than likely going to be multiple people in most clans participating that are going to be sleeping for the majority of it.
  20. yeah. sitting at full troops because you are inactive doesn't sound like a bad thing in the new war system.

    plus hitting inactive players will not give as big a reward as hitting people with high plunder.

    so....this is a stupid thread.