New War suggestion

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Aries, Jun 19, 2014.

  1. Hey guys I have a possible new war the devs should try out.

    How it works is just like the EE wars involving the Knockouts however the knock out is permanent and you can not regain until the war ends. There will be no time limit the war last until the last kingdom is knock out.
    This would be an extreme system war, it would require good communication between your participants.

    Be sure to leave suggest on how we could possibly refine this is that we have the best possible suggestions before I suggest it to the devs.
  3. Just imagine this, everyone. Spamming hits, everyone dying around you the battle is over, but not the war. PREPARE FOR ROUND 2 IN 10 MINUTES.
  4. It would be interesting even if the devs just beta the idea once.
  5. And then somebody would find a loophole to never getting kod (been done before) and thus ruining the game even more so than it already has.
  6. Well then people will hv to build 7-8m adt sdt or go lb. everyone esle die!, no support
  7. They'd be organized so each clan is equally matched.
  8. What if two people on both sides wanted to make everyone suffer by not knocking eachother out ?
  9. Well seeing as the war system has been actually equally matched in god knows how long, this seems like a unique but horrible idea not because of OP's ides but war system in general
  10. If two people did decide not to hit eachother, the two clans participating would be sucked into a black hole and forced to live the remainder of their days with others of their kind.
  11. I guess a time should be set for that reason, the winner is the side with the most survivors and if equal amounts of survivors it's recorded by how many people the survivors knocked out. If that equals out it goes to plunder made by each side.