New to Kaw

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by MegaBlast, Aug 8, 2013.

  1. hey im new to kaw i just want to know how to start the game and all and if theres anything i need to know and someone said i need a volley which im not sure what it means. but any help would be appreiciated
  2. Place guilds every where
  3. welcome to forum. We have a strategy section that can help you out with many topics. Also, there are threads that are "sticky". They are at the top of every forum. I suggest reading those too
  4. MegaBlast,

    I would suggest you read some of the excellent threads in the Strategy section of forums. These threads will help you understand terms like "volley", max plunder, etc. and will also give you a great deal of practical advice.



    P.S. nevermind, Moose beat me. Quick that Moose is, very quick.
  5. For your build... Put Guilds EVERYWHERE. Seriously.
  6. why guilds?
  8. Guilds offer most cash for the price they cost. Join a clan and they will help you learn and grow.
  9. What kind of build are you going for? Mostly spy or attack? Or both?
  10. Welcome, follow if you want advice. :)
  11. Normally this poor critter would have been trolled to death by now. Amazing what an achievement will do......
  12. Hahahaha I wondered what happened to all the trolls lol nice catch flew right over my head :D
  13. trolls are asleep o_O

    Welcome to kaw bud. Read the strategy section of forums and don't settle for taking advice from just one person. Ask multiple people and take that information and make your own decision on what you what to do with your build!

    Also, ignore any trolls that may talk trash to you.

    On Forums, for future post be sure to make a thread that is well written and well thought out.

    Also, remember that asking for vollys, clans, or help is for wc not forums.

    And do not ask for help in forums or wc if you are getting farmed. Do that in your clan chat.

    Farmed, farm, or farming is where you get hit 5 times or more. Many take offense to that for their own personal reason.

    Good luck with KaW and hope you enjoy this game bud!

    please be a guy who likes to war and not become another eb fairy
  14. Wow kaw has became really nice