new to game

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by MAD_Stop_N_Camp_MAD, Jan 1, 2013.

  1. Was just wondering how to make more money and get pieces of gear,,,,
  2. By not posting stupid *** threads!
  3. How's this stupid, peanut? He's new and asking for help. Stop being a dick.
  4. Find a clan in WC that can help you grow.
  5. Join a clan. Be active in cc. Good clans will teach you everything 
  6. I'd advise for you to join a clan that does b2b reckoning and will explain to you how to build correctly and how max plunder works. This will allow you to earn a decent amount of gold.

    Equipment drops from certain epic battles randomly, so reckoning drops hooves, origins epic battle drops a helmet thing. You only need to participate in the eb that drops an equip to have a chance of getting it.

    Happy kawing.
  7. Read before posting: it will save you a lot of grief later on, you made it to the forum, now browse it, and you will learn a lot, and a good clan will teach you all you need to know.
  8. Peanutsauce if u are not gonna help plz dont post on thread Kaw needs to keep all the new KAW that they can... Anyways basically hit specific eb's for equipment and money... Also war and hit off of battle list to get plunder.
  9. Hi welcome to KaW (Kingdoms at War). Just a few pointers, threads that contain stuff that can be placed in World Chat (wc) should be. I'd look at the threads listed below so you can read the rules and some guides. They help a lot; also I've included some rules that I go by.

    Rules of Conduct
    ♔ Account Information (Transfer/Linking/Rules) ♔
    Spell Guide
    Equipment Guide
    Potions for Dummies
    Epic Battles
    Buildings and Land
    Modern Day KaW Handbook

    My Rules
    These are rules I go by you don't have to.
    1. Don't make stupid threads
    2. Don't attempt to troll as a new forumer - you'll get trolled
    3. Don't act tough on forums; someone out there is tougher
    4. Don't say you’re a legend because everyone will reference to when you posted this.
    5. Do not, under any option, make a thread that is already out and successful.
    - Check under each topic before you make a "Guide"
    6. Don't post too many gifs, it gets annoying. Some are funny in right places, too many make people want to slap you.
    7. Don't be a grammar nazi
    8. Don't make threads with just one sentence, a weak cf thread, a pointless guide, or a sloppy no-elbow grease clan recruitment thread.

    Well only way to get gold is by doing:

    • Quests
      Epic Battles
      Battle List
      Buying it
      Ally Trading
      Getting Hired

    Give you a certain amount every time you do one, they don't give much but it is a sure way of income.

    Epic Battles
    Join a good starter clan and attack/steal/assassinate/scout (whatever is needed at the time) on the Epic, you gain gold by Stealing and Attacking. You also receive gold from completing the Epic Battle at the end.

    Once you have a high enough stats you can war with a clan, join a war clan (or any clan warring). Attack/steal/scout/assassinate the opponent, you gain gold by Attacking and Stealing. If you clan wins that war you receive Mithril which is only used once you upgrade you Castle to Level 2. That can only be done when you get all Lowlands unlocked.

    Battle List
    You don't have to be in a clan for this, but go to Battle and attack and steal from an enemy. Only attack and steal for a total of 5 times unless you want to be farmed. Which is not fun just starting out in the game.

    Buying Gold
    Go to Oracle, then purchase gold for nobility points. You have to have 15 nobility points to buy it which means you must spend real money to get those nobility points. The higher your stats are the more gold you get when buying. (I do not recommend buying Gold; it is a waste of money.)

    Ally Trading
    Buy a couple small (500mill) allies, when they get bought off you make a small profit added onto the value price that you bought the ally for. Keep buying 500mill allies and wait till they get bought off, it takes time but its free gold :)

    Getting Hired
    When someone hires you, you get a profit for them buying you. The higher your buy price is the higher you get, but there is a catch. Once you reach a profit of 1mill your profit does not go up whenever someone buys you. You will only receive 1mill even if your hire price is in the trillions.

    Those are the only way of earning/gaining gold in Kingdoms at War, I suggest you join a good established starter clan and do some epics until you get bigger. Then war a little bit, it is a good experience and knowledge to have.

    Read through those, and if you have any questions you can ask me or anyone else. Happy KaW'ing.
  10. Loli should have copied and pasted 
  11. Those are all my notes that I put into word, I hate retyping things but I love helping people. So deal with mah notes. :p
  12. Lol thats a good idea to make notes... Good job fiddy
  13. You should join a powerful clan
  14. Gl... Wall me if u ever need a hand
  15. This is better than what I got on FC. I went into wc there and I asked for a volley. What did I get as a response? "Grow urself noob" that's a great community if you're new! Lets all go to FC to get to know the great community!
  16. What is FC real name i used to have an acc but i 4goy game name