So, when Luke uses dark side powers at the end of the movie to defeat the enemy and save lives (starting the journey to becoming what he hair destroyed) dot you find that to be a bit trite and predictable?
"Only a fully trained Jedi Knight with the Force as his ally will conquer Vader and his Emperor. If you end your training now, if you choose the quick and easy path as Vader did, you will become an agent of evil." Yoda's warning when Luke abandoned his training
After not seeing Luke in the new trailer (maybe I'm just blind) my prediction is that he followed the path of the dark side after his father died, and is the big bad guy, that being the big reveal at the end of the movie with it leading on to the next one. However, I'm probably blind and had a fangasm and didn't notice him.
I believe Luke became a hermit after his fathers death because he was worried about his force powers. Don't expect a huge ending. This is a trilogy, so the first movie is here to set the stage. I'm confident that mm Abrams will have lots of action and a great light show for us, however. He's a superb choice for this.
Thats EU which isn't canon and isn't being used for the next 3 movies, it is up in the air who this new self proclaiming Sith is.
I put the part of your question in bold that I can't quite understand, I think you're referring to when he was force choking gamorrean guards in Jabba's Palace? If so it's not a dark side power as it is exploiting the weak points in his opponent, works great on droids too! No clue what he hair destroyed means.
^I think he's referring to the anger Luke gave into at the end of Jedi, when Vader mentions his sister, which leads to him defeating Vader. He pulls back though. He doesn't kill Vader, and chooses the Light in the face of the Emperor, and his lightning.
Luke was in the trailer about half way through, just looks like he's 40 tho :lol: but he was shown once
This makes more sense, how I see it is Luke is neither light nor dark but a Gray Jedi much like Mace which is how he brought balance to the force, because he never truly became a Jedi or a Dark Jedi until the EU that is but that isn't canon like some of us hoped would be the case when Disney bought Lucasfilm and LucasArts. So Luke fulfilled the prophecy his father couldn't, there were no more Jedi to train Luke and no Sith for him to fight there was only the force and him.
Do you mean the Sith and Jedi are going to be extinct? I thought Jaina Solo Fel becomes a Jedi Master. Mace Windu fought with Vaapad which is dark side.
Again part of EU, forget the books it may not happen so you should probably be ready for something similar but different. Mace Windu was also on the Jedi Council, doubt they'd let a Dark Jedi on the Jedi Council I can see them making an exception for a Grey Jedi though, Samuel Jackson himself said Mace was both light and dark, Grey Jedi confirmed.
They shoulda stuck to the EU.....but we'd need 19 more movies. Wonder if Chewy knows he should be dead?
EU was too dark and violent for Disney and Chewbacca already said fair well to Yoda on planet Kashyyyk.
Disney has hinted they may explore the Old Republic, but as it stands Bioware and Obsidian's games are not canon. My question is if they might go as far as doing Cade Skywalker's struggle at some point.
Noobs Looking at Star Wars lore - Luke becomes a Jedi master. With the Jedi decimated - luke takes on the role of yoda Also it is common that a Sith take on an apprentice - I'm pretty sure the villain in the new Star Wars movie is vader's appentice
Was referring more to the books rather then the games. The Yuuzhan Vong series alone would forever to cover. Am hoping the "spin-offs" they're supposed to do between the trilogy movies are heavily Mandalore influenced. Some awesome stories there that would be great for the ol silver screen.
Everything outside of the 6 movies and the two cgi shows is non-canon. We won't know what Luke did after the Empire fell until the movie comes out, again it may be similar to EU but it takes place well into the Legacy Era based on the age of the actors yet with a New Republic story feel, similar yet different.