Discussion in 'Strategy' started by XxXllllll-Sephiroth-llllllXxX, Apr 22, 2010.

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  1. Sweet i made the first thread on the new spy items
  2. Can someone calculate how much of defense bonus (allied bonus) u get now if you have all 8 spy defense potions? I'm really noob at figuring out how to interpret the bonuses. Thanks!
  3. Lol i cant do it either bump
  4. Rough calculation in head: 486,800 spy def. Probably off someone confirm
  5. Pots & 2% Def calcs:
    7500 = 150
    32500 = 650
    100000 = 2000
    300000 = 6000
    900000 = 18000
    2000000 = 40000
    7000000 = 140000
    15000000 = 300000

    For a grand total of 506,800 spy def bonus
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