New Silence Policy "Changes"

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Seraph, May 22, 2015.

  1. For those of you who don't know, like it matters to trolls anyway, I was Silenced for "Self Censoring".
    I suppose the mature thing to do was just flat out curse instead of being semi responsible.

    To add insult to injury, whatever clown Mod that slapped my wrist clearly went blind to WC afterwards. I'm not quite sure how my 4 blank spaces were worse than the Beaver Damns and Assassination Abbreviations in WC.

    Get your secreted matter together!

    Now we have Mods searching through our banners for Silencable material. Why don't you look on clan pages *Cough* WDGAF? Cleaely that is not offensive but the DILLI is?

    I'm sorry that I cannot line your pockets like the Big Clans and their Daddy's credit card swinging members, but either enforce all of the rules for all of the KaWmmunity or step aside.

    I'm sure a 9 year old could figure it out if you Devs/Mods need any explanations.

    - Ser
  2. What the heck is self censoring?
    Semi responsible?
  3. Let me ask Eagle if he approves this idea.

  4. The way the filter works now, you type the word into chat and a pop up shows you typed in a bad word. If you go ahead and put asteriks/dots to censor yourself, it's silencable.

    For forums, just post and the filter will do its job
  5. I've no problem with the filter.
    Apparently ops is a tad confused or unwilling to pay the time for the crime.

    Semi responsible another way of saying semi irresponsible. Contradictory

    Besides forums is not the place for this but e-mail ATA is if complaint is warranted.
  6. In wc you can not self censor as it is still considered a bypass as most can figure out what the word was. Why it was changed. Now if you type in a censored word it will not post your message unless you bypass.

    Forums just type it out and the filter will disregard the word in your post.

    Eagle is coming
  7. I've already submitted for Feedback and no replies.

    Abbreviations are a form of censorship, yet we can still laugh our backsides off?

    You can't catch them all, but don't flat out ignore the obvious.
  8. I smell . Butthurt
  9. So r u claiming u did nothing wrong?

    If yes then e-mail ATA not feedback.
  10. So it's silencable to say .... Or **** or ****** ......

    That doesn't make any sense considering I could say hey..... How are you..... Bob
  11. Yes, I was in your news since you failed to contribute anything intelligent.
    Don't get upset and get silenced, then you will be what your ill thought of post will be in reference to.
  12. It sucks yeah, but its best to just not say censored words. And if you must, spell it out fully how its supposed to be.
  13. I put a letter with 3 *** and was silenced for 24 hours. Didn't know this was a new rule implemented. A warning would have been nice. I asked a legit question in wc.
  14. Explain why asterisks articulate anything?

    Use a language n not risk anything..simple
  15. It's actually the abbreviation of Richard thank you very much.
  16. So CHAOS Locked the Dupe Thread, Thank You.

    At first I wanted to say, "Yay CHAOS FTW!"

    But, could "FTW" indeed be Silencable? Maybe a controversy over the actual definition or what it implies?
    My gamer side would most definitely assume "For the Win".

    However the Gang Unit at the PD would probably associate it with illegal activity if displayed on a tattoo.
  17. Cuz ambiguous n more than 1 possible meaning prolly. Depends on context.

    But this is KaW n not RL n they make the rules n we live with it.
  18. Your close it rhymes with Rick and smells like ashes. Lol
  19. Its always been this way.

    Though i do understand your frustration op.