New Server

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by WeAreAnonymous, Nov 1, 2015.

  1. Although there would be many downfalls of having another server. It would give players a fresh start, a chance to be on the LB. I know this has been mentioned many times, I'm just bringing it back up. I've put no effort whatsoever into this so mehhhh.
  2. Kaw doesn't have that many players. Also servers cost devs cash, maintenance etc. So nope not gonna happen
  3. Support, let's get rid of all the lbers and throw away their progress!

    Jk, they'd just get lb again with the amount they spend
  4. Exactly my point then. More money for devs!!!
  5. ^That wasn't your point.
  6. Sure why not. It'd be like a mass reset and I think it might also create some new spenders since LB would be an actual tangible goal.

    That and it would definitely bring back some players who would like to be on the same starting off level playing field instead of the massive LB to new player gap we have now.

    If it was done it would just need to be announced properly with maybe a month or so of time to do so.

    Every other game I've played where new servers have been opened have if anything created a higher activity and more chaotic level of fighting between players when started. Given those games you have to fight each other to win. This one you can Epic Battle Hero for life.
  8. Personally I wouldn't mind a new sever, start from fresh.

    Add some advertisement along with it and could be great.

    Here's a cat gif I had copied for additional enjoyment.

  9. 
  10. It's actually rapidly growing, and sometimes when new players look at the lb and average stats of players it basically just puts them off. Especially if their not gonna spend money. But that's the thi about KaW once you get really into it it's quite challenging not to spend cash.
  11. Oh man... You really are dumb, aren't you?
  12. Pretty much. After a month or so there would be "that gap" again between the big spenders and the rest of kaw.
  13. 100%
  14. Kewl. More money for devs eh eh?
  15. Im not against the idea. I just think the ambience of a fresh start will wear off quick.
  16. This will never happen.
    Maybe another server, but definitely not a completely new one and this one being shut down.
  17. One month? One day.
  18. Anybody can be LB. :)
  19. This is similar to the "release a new app that is just an old version of KaW" idea. It's good, a lot of people would play, but after years of being suggested it hasn't happened yet.
  20. Why shut this one down? A new one doesn't mean this one has to be shut down.

    If anything it would expand OSWs. Imagine... a multiserver OSW.