New Ring

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by 4A6F73-HEX-687561, Jul 28, 2012.

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  1. nooby questin but the new ring must in future have some special thing coz it sucks
  2. Maybe, maybe not.
  3. Oh let's complain about receiving equipment wow eb noob ftw
  4. It gives you access to the level 3 castle, which gives you access to the the with doctor, which can further enchant your already fully enchants items to up to quadruple their current bonus, also each upgrade you get at the witch doctor, you get an extra bil per hit.
  5. False info
  6. It's not false.
  7. I heard it was like lupus said.
  8. It's just a ring, not a weapon. We are warriors, not wizards.

    It's beautiful, it's art !!
  9. Thats like poetry to my ear

    i hate poetry
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