new players this is an IMPORTANT MESSAGE

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *clock42 (01), Jul 20, 2011.

  1. I will be offering help to all new players, just post my wall or leave a comment below. If u r interested in helping with the players that need help, wall me and I will give u a quiz to see if u qualify to train newbies!

  2. Can I farm you pweez
  3. Qualify? Lulz.

    How much do u earn when your ally is hired away?

    What build requires all defense towers?

    What build is best for EB's?

    How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

    Why is it important to join a clan?

    Who was the first person to join kaw?

    Those are for OP
  4. You earn the amount of gold that the person hired the ally away from you for.


    Attack build?

    A lot of wood 

    Clans offer protection, friendship, a way to grow, and a way to have fun.


    Iz I right?
  5. No offense but this thread is failing F
  6. Tower build
  7. For protection and pwar/eb and to feel manly
  8. Second one was wrong. A balanced build is most effective for pve's
  9. Mixed is better than balnced
  10. Lulz he must of been really loney
  11. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

    "17" - AWESOME-O aka Eric Cartman
  12. I just made a new call-sign or whatever. Here it is..

  13. 5% more then u spent on the ally

    Turtle build



    Clans help u grow through ebs and pwars and wars and opens and give advice
