new player from PimD

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by ______IlANONIl__-_-__-IlIlIlIl, Apr 12, 2015.

  1. Hey I'm a farmer from PimD I'm not sure how to play this game that much other a couple features that are similar but in different places could any fellow farmers follow me and help me out?I'd appreciate it

    PS:not sure if there's farming in KaW if not,my bad
  2. We don't farm here. Strictly PvE. Conflict is a no no
  3. By farming do you mean 'faRPing'?
  4. Lol are you guys being sarcastic?hard to tell
  5. Pimds main religion. 'Attacking' someone until they rp with you.
  6. Pimd is ghey
  7. If you attack someone 5 times in 24 hours or more, then that us farming. Most people whine if you do this, which is funny, so you should do it.
  8. There are farmers in pimd?

    Hmm maybe its one of your rp stories where you imitate KAW players.
  9. OP, a word of advice:

    If you hit someone more than 5 times, ZAFT and YAFI will automatically come after you.

    So I recommend against it
  10. Can I be moose cus I heard that moose have giant co...erm I mean antlers.
  11. Lol just cause you said that how do I hit someone?
  12. Op, don't mind Terra, yafi and zaft won't be around by the time you're 1mill cs
  13. Long live Apoc and Yafi's April fool thread
  14. Tip to OP: Don't tell people you are from pimd. I might make an alt to farm you with.
  15. There is farming in kaw but for the most part there isn't. Welcome to kaw :)
  16. Went over to PimD once to try to farm some noobs. Hit someone just 3 times and automatically got a wall post saying they'll report me if I don't stop. Times are tough over there for farmers. Kept farming her(it, probably was a guy with girl avatar) for a week.
  17. Go back to where you came from, foul scum!
  18. Hi anon, welcome to kaw! ;)
    Sorry if you get lots of abuse for playing pimd, people over here have some pretty major stereotypes...
    Farming's fine, people will whine, but that's what makes it fun!
    I recommend reading slayerbob's 'modern day kaw handbook revamped' in the guides forum.
    Good luck!