New Player :D

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by skybounded, Aug 14, 2013.

  1. Hello KaW Forum Community, I am new to this Game. Or as I would expect you to call me a "Noob".

    What I Seek is some help, and Information about This game. A clan that does Epic Battles for my Stats would be great also!

    (Asking for help on a forum might be horrific. but let's see what happens)


    actually I don't need to be this formal.
  2. Awesome! Find a clan and get a volley to start
  3. Welcome actually I don't need to be this formal! ;) Enjoy KaW, and our forums aren't that bad :lol:
  4. Welcome op, follow me back and I'll help you out a bit ;)
  5. :| I was just testing this community, I have no idea about it :pp
  6. Wow that Emoticon is Quite glum.
  7. Feel free to wall me if needed. Ask any questions you'd like and I'm sure I can assist:)

    Also, check out some of the great guides forums offers. I wish you the best of luck, and enjoy your KaW experience =)
  8. Thanks @Slayer.!
  9. Mods answer your questions. I good build to make money is the hansel. Check out MissMelon's thread in the strategy section I think.
  10. Do some of Tge smaller x2 Ebs. They give out x2 gold. Join a clan that does them. KAW posts Tge thread each weekday at 12 noon pst
  11. Follow me back please
  12. Fallow back and ill give you some pointers
  13. I would offer help, but it looks like you don't need me! :p
  14. Good luck! You have too much help on offer.