New Permanent Items Dropped From EB's

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by DIGITAL_BATH, Dec 25, 2011.

  1. Are they different than reset/pro pack items? What Ebs you get them from? Is it possible to have more than 33% bonus across the board now? Discuss.
  2. One of our members got a item last night that gave 5% to spy attack. May have been defense. But yes it's a perm item and takes your precent above 33%.
  3. Idk I got really strong pots that aren't sold
  4. So what is the deciding factor for who gets the item?
  5. I want to know!!
  6. oh you want to know? well the answer is JUST KEEP HITTING THE EB AND YOU WILL GET IT LATER ON DEVS question answered LOCK
  7. I think it's just random. 

    Maybe someone should do an investigation? :?
  8. I got a perm that gave me a 5% bonus to def
  9. And I got mine from the city of the dead
  10. Did you get as reward or during the EB?
  11. During the eb
  12. Cool, I would probably not even notice while I just spam repeat lol.
  13. Blame it on Santa! LOL! Merry Christmas!
  14. Ya actually I never noticed it until about 12 hours later
  15. Cuz I was using repeat action too fast
  16. Yeh it's random amd the only one I've heard about so far is the shield one so just sounds like 1 permanant iteam with the 1 atk and spy pot so far, probaly higher chance with the bigger the eb cuzz the first 2 we got nothing but the dead city or whatever it's called we had 2 ppl recieved the iteam, took longer to finish
  17. So they are only given out in the new apheruin of exile Ebs? Or in all new Ebs?
  18. All EBs I think.