New OPT-IN Spell

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Resilient_MoneyPit, Feb 26, 2013.

  1. :oops: :oops: I don't like it! For the same main reason I do not like the current veil spell. You don't know when it is cast, or when it runs out. How is a clan owner/admin suppose to know who is in for war? Currently when you sign up it gives you a list of names that have opted out, however usually you cant see the whole list, so you cross your fingers and hope no ones veil runs out during the war. Some sort of timer element needs to be built in for owner/admins to know when spell deactivates.
    What happened to the old "join war" button that is still present but inactive during war? Why not when the sign up timer starts the owner/admin can sign up, then the members can "join war" sending a notification to the admin/owners news, and a "active in war" green icon on their clan spot. Currently now before war you need to go through 80-100 profiles, trying to decipher which shade of blue veil is on. ( horrible idea making them all similar in color) The you still have no idea if the veil is left over from the last war, or if its for the current war.
    Now not only do you have to continue to babysit everyone in the clan, what happens when someone signs up for war and then has a unexpected emergency arise ( fight with wife, car trouble, called into work) now they have to leave the clan and lose a level of EE they fought hard to win?
    From the perspective of a clan owner, it is the intention to get a good match during each EE war, no one wants a blow out in either direction, if we did, we would sit and do EB all day. Now we have no way to adjust our roster to match an opponent without again kicking people and we end up with a mismatch.
    The solution could also involve a way to Opt-in, and then also if needed, opt-out of war. Don't try to penalize people because something comes up in real life and they cant commit to a game for 4hours time. Same scenario with the veil now, sometimes you get out of work early, finish your homework etc and have a chance to war, but had already veiled so your out of luck.
    Please try to look for a system that works well for both the player, and the owners/admins who spend countless hours putting wars together and being truly competitive. :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
  2. Actually the opt out veils end if they don't completely cover a war now. The devs take things one step at a time.... The best improvement would be;

    Veil out system per war. Looks like the veil symbol, except with a 1,2,3,4 or 5 in it. Then it's clear, and you can always veil. All spells reset after war on Sunday.
  3. we did not need this thread, discuss it on the official one
  4. and you couldnt complain on the thread THAT WAS MEANT FOR THIS????
  5. Waaaaah whaaaaaaaas boo hooo booooo hoooo sob sob sob
  6. Im sure all trolls/ flamer on here will get farmed lol. :lol:
  7. In all seriousness i would support a toggle switch to turn on off war but think of how much confusion that would cause, it took the devs months to realize veil was a bad idea, how long will this take? Just gotta adapt and overcome
  8. Support 