It would be nice to have a spell that you can cast that will prevent any sort of hostile actions (scout, attack, steal, assassinate) from bring received or dealt by the caster. In effect it would be neutral and fair to both sides. The player won't have to worry about receiving hits, and the opponent won't either. The idea behind this is crazy length of wars we have. Seriously people I need to sleep sometimes lol. Anyhow just wanted to share.
Takes away the point of stripping or any kind of war. 'Cant strip me while I'm awake, or while in asleep' hahahaha
I like it cautious players will be able too sleep at night and stripprrs will have to be smarter than just saying wait till he's asleep
Idk about this. Many would hate it im sure. Its a decent spell idea. Better than many ive seen plus i cant think of any.
No. That's what the battle list is for. If you don't want to worry about hits, either gtho this game, or buy defence and spy defence pots. It's kingdoms at war. Even the kings like Chongo_Hombre have to sleep
Good idea- but only support it to be implemented in system wars and not otherwise. Osw's are a part of kaw and this mith spell would make it easier for people to war outside System Wars without having to worry about getting stripped or hit with gold out. Just my thought though.
I would settle for a spell that ensures the wandering villager falls in a pit before reporting your spies. Then you can steal for a period of time completely anonymously.
This has been mentioned before , a mithril spell, that renders you unhittable/ unable to hit for a % of the war duration, castable only once per war. This would help offset the auto-join as you could cast it at the war start, and allow some sleep hours in say a 24hr war. Limit it's use to system war only. This has been submitted in several forms to ATA, and has my support.
kingdoms at WAR point of game is to war and if someone just keeps recasting this spell no one can eat them and they will just do ebs
This wouldn't work as if you war you are their to fight and if you don't want to get hit pin yourself, that's what makes wars fun.
I support this idea. Yes it makes strip wars harder to do, but it also makes for bigger accounts to not feel botting is worth the risk. I have been in strip wars and I have seen too many players get ban for accusations of botting. Either sleep depravation or bot use, both seem to look like the same thing in the devs system . With a spell like this (in moderation) could make bot use a thing of the past. Let's face it, anyone with over 10trill in ally's would agree, if you stay online for too long, you end up with a red pop up saying your suspected of bot use!
i support it as long as it can be used only one time during war and for only 25% of the total duration of said war