New Merc Group

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Huber18_WarLord_King, Feb 2, 2012.

  1. Hello I made a new merc group and if u wanna be one wall me! Look up kaw warlords and see wat we r about!
  2. Something like gets usually gets trolled. Put some effort into the thread.
  3. It's called clan. Try posting in wc, where somebody cares. Or, even better. Read Serpent's guide to clan threads, and follow it.
  4. Setsuna please learn English
  5. Your #1 is going to need more than 4 spy defense pots if he wants to be a good merc
  6. We r new and trying to grow! I reset 4 times -.-
  7. Only the 35 successful attacks defended achievement?
  8. @Superstar go suck a dick. I corrected myself. and not everyone has English as their first language you prick. Happens to be my third so excuse me if I make a "accidental mistake every once in a while
  9. Setsuna try me. I dare you