New leak in EE wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Zanther, Apr 28, 2013.

  1. Guess I am not the only one:

    Was distracted by real life when I came out of KO. Without doing any action I self koed ... Nice for me, because the other team didn't get my plunder. Bad for devs showing there are still leaks in the EE wars which aren't solved.


    Btw: -RCA- is much better / stronger so this isn't important for our war. But maybe for other clans / wars.
  2. How is self-koing a leak?
  3. I'm tired of lag in EE I'll have no Inc then next thing I'm KO and I got no news until 30 secs later but I've never experienced this
  4. Ahh I see what you mean now. That is really weird and it happened to me once too.
  5. He was KO'd but it said he SKO'd.

    Yea, it happened to me. I forgot I was up and it said I SKO'd, so I was happy LOL,
  6. Yeah, that happens to me sometimes. I'm glad to be saved by it, but it should probably be fixed.
  7. Happened to me a couple times before also. But I kind of like itonly when it happens to me tho
  8. I don't think this is an error. I think the last action against you was a fail and since they didn't win the action it counts as a self KO. Has anyone else experienced this behavior?
  9. No, fails KO people. I've done that before. It'll tell you in news that you failed in your action, but still KOed whoever you were hitting.
  10. I'm more interested in the devs rooting out alleged cheating clans - see I used the word alleged. The ones that use scripts to track and then bot attacks. Rumor - see the word I used there - is that it gets turned on about 15-30 minutes into the war and once domination is achieved, turned off.

    My suggestion is to farm the crap out of EE clans that do that, but hey that's just me. I'm not naming names (and you'll see I haven't personally been in an EE war in a little bit so you can't surmise), but cheaters should know that OSW war clans and alliances are not dumb and future consequences may exist if their actions continue. See the word I uses there - may....
  11. @Lormaster, you have not done EE, yet you have EE spell and Ranchors spells. Looks like a bug 

    OP, devs explained once that if there are multiple last hit at exactly the same time, it results in a sKO.
  12. I didn't do any action and was basically koed by the enemies. But showed I self - koed me.
    So, how should I have self koed not doing any action?
    Idk how often that happens. Also if you are attacking and you get koed. Just shows that there is a leak.
    Also when you are active: are the results given (koed or self koed correct)? I doubt this now, because of the leak.
  13. Self ko'ed happens when two person att u at the same time,so it will be sko since u hve been ko'ed more than 1 person at a time..:)
  14. @ Nash, you should read my posts a little slower. I'll point out the word in case you missed it "recently." I have certainly been involved in EE wars in the past and will do so again in the future. My point was that you can't look at the last war I personally was engaged in and say this must have been the clan that cheated.

    You see accusing a clan of cheating without proof can cause difficulties with ATA. But, there are ways to tell EE clans that there are worse things than losing an EE war to an OSW clan. Our wars don't have to last 2 hours.
  15. @ Teja

    I have seen self KO's happen when multiple players pin one person.

    Also have seen a double KO (awarded to two players) and also a KO and a sKO posted in cc.

    It's a glitch that happens. It's uncommon, but I've seen it.
  16. Hola Willy 
  17. I think the devs explanation would be: There were too many actions all at once and we dont know who koed so better make it an sko
  18. I love this glitch. Has bailed me out a few times.
  19. Ive had that problem with my alt too. Its very strange but good for me. :)
  20. :arrow: * Sometimes, an opponent may self KO without appearing like they did any actions themselves. This is due to a timing issue with the attacks. If multiple actions KO an opponent at exactly same time, we err on the side of the defender and give them a self KO.
