New Leaderboard

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Delphin, Nov 17, 2016.

  1. So while active topics is filled with other requests that won't come to fruition, I may as well add my own.

    I'm suggesting a new leader board be established. The "Quest" leaderboard. Simply, who has completed the most quests?

    Less simply, who has taken the time and -essentially- wasted troops to actively hit quests? Most people will be around 1200, as that's roughly what it takes to master them all and get your free xtals, but some- not to name foods, have reached nearly 20,000 quest completions.

    So yes, completely superfluous, unlikely to happen, BUT, it's a leader board that few would try to get on. Quests are not efficient, and for those on other leaderboards,they can't give up that efficiency to achieve high quest numbers. Perhaps, just perhaps, it could be the poor man's leaderboard.

    Leave your lack of support below. :)
  2. I was expecting you to have a lot more quests completed.
  3. I thought there was a way to view quest LB backnin the day on pc maybe. Did they take it away?
  4. Just because I suggest something doesn't mean it has to benefit me. I have never had an interest for any leaderboard and never will.

    I'm actually not sure on that one, I haven't touched the pc version in years- since it was still run by Mochi. Perhaps that's a thing... in which case, why not throw it onto mobile?
  5. I'd probably support any idea from delphin


  6. Well I was also thinking they should probably release the next set of lands too. Oh, and make it so each building upgrade just costs nobility. They could call it The King''s Court.
  7. Absolutely genius idea
  8. I love this idea a lot. 

    Incentive to do quests other than, that amazing 10,000 gold 
  9. Who does have the most quests completed though?
  10. Silph has over 17k
  11. I know someone with over 18k, but that's the highest I know of. Most people have tended to use their bars for ebs, wars, osfs, the BL, or in my case- not at all.
  12. I hit a few quests after reading this
  13. I know that pc had a reset lb at one time.
  14. Yep. Taken out the same time as reset bonuses. Looking back, makes no sense at this point. A person instantly finishes LL. Might as well give new players the instant 8% bonuses
  15. I support your idea based on "why not" :)

    Id also like to see Assassination Wins/Losses on ppl's profile along side the Troop stats.
    As i believe it can only add to the fun of it all ;)

  16. I think it's a great idea. It would greatly add to the social aspect and offer new game paths other than the beaten one. I can imagine people in clans checking if anyone they know is on one of these weird leaderboards.

    Who has the most allies? What was the most gold ever taken in one hit? What are the best ever records for EB times? Et cetera.

    The only downside to this for devs is the (minimal) coding required and the (minimal) extra CPU, bandwidth, and memory required to store this information, which by the looks of it is already stored for the purpose of achievements.
  17. Well, you could add plenty of "interesting" leaderboards.

    Who has participated in the most wars?
    Who has LOST the most battles?
    Who has stayed in one clan the longest?
    Who has been in the most clans?
    Who has changed their username the most times?
    Perhaps a personal favorite- who has the most gold sitting out?
  18. More of a "Kaw listing of obscure records" than a leaderboard.