New Lands!!!!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by DayWing, Jul 31, 2013.

  1. C'mon guys tell me about the new lands 
  2. Where have you been the last two weeks?
  3. Go to any forum and look in stickies... much simpler than waiting a week for a non-troll to actually give you any legit info.
  4. They are new and ice looking.
  5. New Lands! Read this, it should tell you all you need to know
  6. Hoarfrost lands- similar prices to highlands in beginning, cost about 4.5 trillion in total if I'm not mistaken, u can only build tier 6's on them. They apparently have more plunder than tier 5's.
  7. ^that thread that I mentioned but had no link and stuffs...
  8. WWII is over. And we've landed men on the moon!!!!
  9. I still cant even see the new lands :(
  10. I opened the 4 corner ones on my HF.
  11. Do what Avatar said :)