New lands with a slight twist

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -_-OPTIMAL-_-CHAOS-_-, Aug 21, 2013.

  1. Devs are further widening the gap with their land release and t6

    How to increase new players and help all evenly alike increasing production of gold and keeping the growth sustainable in an even time frame
    Tricky. But I propose an a vinous answer

    25 new lowlands
    The catch dedicated to t1-t4 builds only.
    This increases plunder potential for all players. Makes it far easier to build a war ready account with required clan stats and the new builds help draw new players into the game with fast progressive growth that slowly levels out as they reach highland and t5 upwards.

    Simply put this would balance out a lot of growth costs and war costs whilst helping everyone playing currently to meet requirements of war clans in an acceptable time frame and balanced progression.
    Land costs should be from 4-150 billion each. To reflect builds allowed and maintain balance
  2. But isn't that more they have to work for???
  3. If you do that you widen the gap more lol another 4m cs. The bigger players can explore those ll fast and put t4 on them.
  4. With how long it takes to lowland complete and gain those and extra land before going to highlands you are earning more plunder faster and have higher stats than current built to that level.
    It also means current players can complete those lands in under a week with effort and I doubt many brand new builds will be warring in their first week. But with that option a smaller war clan would have them warring in under a month and obtaining eb equipment needed is a faster and easier proposition.
  5. I see what you are saying but given another set of ll. It would still plush smaller players even further out of reach
  6. All this would do is benefit the gh. Maybe if it was only limited to t4 builds, but even then it's sort of pointless
  7. Hmm at pointless. Extra gold pointless? Ok how so? Cheaper to upgrade more troops to burn and make plunder to speed up upgrade process for all players and quicker and easier to get than hl and hf for all players to help them get the hl and hf lands / builds.
    Well was worth putting out there
    Maybe less gold or more expensive builds are the way to go but wasn't everyone complaining about that earlier when lvl 2 t6 cost was announced? 
  8. They could also make an eb that pays 200mil a hit. That would be nice too but not really needed. There isn't much of a reason to have another 25 LL, thats why it is pointless.
  9. So you want to make gh even more overpowered?
  10. So your proposal to make it even easier to grow? The point isnt for the game to be easy and fast. It takes time. Even if this idea was realistic, it wouldnt be implemented for another year. A new 25 lands every year or so, and a year from now these come out and FLBC players are bored out of their minds within days. No support.
  11. They could make a plunder bonus that deteriorates as you explore more land.

    Ex Nubcaik with only LLC and T3s makes, what like 12 mil a hit? I don't remember how much, but let's say hypothetically 12 mil

    Then a HFBC player makes 160 mil a hit.

    One all lowlands explored, other are lands in game explored.

    The LLC guys could get a 2x plunder bonus or something (all hypothetical) while the HFBC guy (already being endgame) would get the current plunder (a 1x bonus, so no bonus)

    Let's say then the LLC guy reached HLC.

    Then his plunder bonus could go down to 1.5x

    Then come HFBC he would be at 1x like the other guy.

    And for brand new players just starting, like 2.5x or something.

    Just an idear.
  12. Well we might as well just double the gold output of all the EBs too. Make it so everyone is FLBC in a month.
  13. What ever land you gone to the small people the big people will get it too.
  14. 1 month ? Seriously for flbc
    Not likely. Maybe a year for those addicted lmore like 2 for average players.
    Why to balance the game more and keep an influx of new players coming in
    To make guilds stronger ? To make all stronger.
    Bigger get it too of course why not. They have as much right

    The larger your stats the less you earn % wise per increase anyway wouldn't be that much of a difference and as for the role out in a year this could be done in a week and devs have already stated their intention to release land for all four corners.
    Without a lower level land to help growth then new players will never stay to be told they have to wait four years to grow into what will the be an acceptable war build.
    Unless they want to be a guild hansel for their kaw career then their is no point to growth either.

    Double gold. Hardly but yes it is suggested to give an increase and with t6 lvl 2 150bil and expect lvl 3 to be up to 300 bil then it wold be needed.

    Build complete players bored. Sure this game is only about growth not skill, warring, friends, fun trading, negotiations and the list goes on.
    This is the best chat room with game tacked on with a like minded but diverse community that supports itself and exact other.
    Don't put players down saying its about the build. It's about the players the experimenting with different builds the wars the fun and how the game can be played.
    If I could complete my build tomorrow I would change it tomorrow for the sake of it.
    When I was build complete on a 'me' I wasn't bored. I was more entertained hitting players without having to worry about wasting my time hitting ebs to grow or banking gold to ensure the next land is assured and the last upgrade done.
    The game comes to life when you aren't shackled.
    Being small doesnt stop that aspect but it is more limiting and constraints are always there.
    In a year or two with the new more expensive lands out this game will lose appeal for a lot of new players. The current land and build costs have according to many driven away players.
    Balancing that will not hurt nor Hinder the game.
    And double pay summer promos won't last forever.
  15. So you want guild hansel galore? Im not up for guilds on low lands. Maybe just towers on the new low lands
  16. Limited to t3 then maybe
  17. No support! Big players have worked hard to get where they are why should new players have to?
  18. If it does come out it should be t3/t4 only no more guilds
  19. Shouldn't have to