New lands and buildings

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Greendale, Nov 6, 2013.

  1. I came up with an idea for new lands and buildings that I thought I would share. If anyone have posted these ideas before; I apologies in advance.

    There are two corners left that can be two new land zones. I propose that two new zones are introduced at once, they can be called Spy-lands and Troop-lands.

    On these lands only spy related buildings can be build:
    3 different spy buildings similar to the present attack buildings.
    A spy defense tower.
    A building that gives static spy attack but holding no spies. (this will function as an equipment or an ally)

    Basically the same buildings as for the spies but for troop only.

    The idea behind having 25 lands where only troops or spies can be build is that it will guide players towards balanced builds.

    On a second thought, maybe it should not be possible to build towers on the new lands in order to prevent the turtle builds.

    I really like the idea behind a static attack (spy or troop) building, this will at least for some time lower the value of allies and favor attacking instead of defending.

    Any comments are welcome.
  2. Here is the problem with static attk buildings... How do you expect to have an increase in attack when it has 0 troops... That means it's a defense like building (having 0 troops)... Defense towers actually make sense because it's a "wall" around you... A static attk would mean it's another "wall" around you... How can you attack someone with a stationary wall around your own place? It doesn't have troops to send out...
  3. no support players should not be forced into a balanced build

    i do like the three diffrent style spy buildings if the same style as att- att heavy, balance, defense heavy

    the static attack/spy attack buildings are a pointless building if you want to be offensive dont build towers

    as for the turtle build if you dont like the build dont make one dont like bouncing off thier towers dont fight them its that simple
  4. Like it the way it is not broken
  5. No support It would mess with people's builds
  6. I like the idea of the 2 more lands, but im sure they will come in time, but i dont like the idea that you could only put soy or attack, i like that you get to put whatever you want