New land and buildings

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by lIlH3LLlIl, Jul 26, 2013.

  1. Not a big post just wondering has anyone or is anyone planning on making a guide on stats of new builds because i dont have enough money to reach them yet.
  2. Wulf will be adding the new builds to his Building Guide according to him.
  3. Look at wulf's thread about Hoarfrost lands
  4. Can u link it versa?
  5. I actually don't know if it's possible on iDevice 
  6. I just did. Building Guide
  7. That's the building guide Avatar. Wulf's most recent thread about the new lands and buildings is buried somewhere lol
  8. Ya, that one  show me how to link Avatar 
  9. follow me back I'll explain
  10. I jst looked at it and smiled at the lands nice and cheap at start and then bang! 1 tril for last land... Thats gona take a while! And 50 bil per build... Wow