New Item: No Break

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by -Fuego-, Jan 31, 2016.

  1. It would be great if there were an item/spell you could cast to remove or shorten time between EBs. It would be castable in the Alchemist, and would reduce the time between EBS by 5 minutes for 10 nobs as an example.
  2. It would also be great if battle cry only started when the eb was opened  and not during the 15min wait?
  3. This thread sucks so bad I almost mistook it for one of Willys recent threads.
  4. That's genius 
  5. Disrespecting KotFE when you was in them
  6. I'm disrespecting Willy, I wasn't Willy.
  7. You tried Fuego, /comfort. Let the nerd low effort trolls rage.
  8. Or, OR, OOOORRRR just an option to shorten the wait time ? oh my, OH MY, why is this always for cash ?!?
  9. What's the alchemist?
  10. Some voodooism