Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IlIIlllIlIIIlSLAYIlllIIIlIlIlI, Jun 9, 2012.

  1. [​IMG]

    We had a nice drop from SR
  2. Looks like -Tika- got damn lucky. Waitaminute. Tika.....
  3. Thats a great drop
  4. Thanks, was wondering how you get it. It sucks though because that EB is mainly for attack builds so it's just another thing to screw over hansels and spies. Thanks once again devs for ruining it for us out here, why not just take out spy buildings?
  5. Because spy buildings are important to the game. Spy builds aren't though, except for stripping
  6. Nice aqua and inferno you use 1 per level upgrade of equipment but only for gloves boots and necklace
  7. Devs screwing over hansels again
  8. And you wonder why the spy buildings were meant to supplement the attack buildings...
  9. Spies have an unfair advantage in war so atk builds get ebs... So what war is more fun.. 
  10. OmG- you complaining hansels out there- you can still do EBs- it's actually easier, you still get equipment drops
  11. Anyone know what inferno is? I've won 10 but doesn't show in items can't spend in store
  12. I can't believe you whiners!!
    Devs are screwing over hansels?
    That's the most idiotic statement I've heard this week!!

    You big lazy ass babies!! Try using potions and mith. Or increase your bfa instead of running around with one or two allies so you can turtle up at a moments notice.
  13. This is what hybrids are great. :)