New & Improved Clan Announcements

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Dec 7, 2015.

  1. Today we're excited to announce a change to Clan Announcements that aims to empower Clan Owners and Admins.

    When a Clan Announcement message is updated, all players in the Clan will receive a push notification on their device with the content of the new message. This gives Owners and Admins an easy way to reach out and organize with their members, and share important updates.

    (Note: There is a limit on push notifications, and if more than 1 change is done in a 5 minute period only the first message will be sent)
  2. This sounds spectacular!!!!! Nice one KAW Admins!
  3. Re: New

    Nice 
  4. Good idea I guess, gets pretty annoying when your clan has a new ca every 15 minutes ;-;
  5. Re: New

    An idea first suggested by players through these very forums.

    "DEVs don't listen to us" compliant now invalid!!

    Thanks for the update, now keep the little things coming to add up to the larger
  6. Good idea. Thanks for this update, Devs! :)
  7. Re: New

    Kewl beans
  8. Re: New

    This was indeed a player suggestion we've seen come up a few times :)
  9. I assume it can it be turned off in the setting?

    Will it be under a different option or share it with wall posts or pms?

    Or placed in the ambiguous "other"
  10. At least currently there's no notification settings for his, but we can consider this in a future client update.
  11. Re: New

    That's actually a really good update.
  12. So it's your first forced push notification? I like pushes on my wall posts and pms but I don't really want the CA notification every 20 mins.
  13. Re: New

    Very helpful, thank you! Now people can stop saying 'Oh but I didn't read CA' :lol:

    It's just a small feature but it can help a lot. More improvements like this, devs please!
  14. Re: New

  15. Don't get me wrong, I love it. But for the less... loyal of us, it'll seem... pushy.
  16. We won't be the ones to be sending out this notification but rather we're giving clan owners the ability to reach their members with important information as was requested numerous times before. Hopefully hey'll use it responsibly as it's their clan they'll be messaging.

    We'll also be looking to provide further settings with this in a future update.
  17. Re: New

    How annoying
  18. Re: New

    like the update devs. its simple but it helps keep clan mates informed more frequently, and "efficiently".
  19. Re: New

    What about extended clan roles?
  20. Re: New

    Well gee, thanks for your response :lol: