Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by --CF___WAR_DEM0N__CF--, Apr 28, 2015.

  1. Hey there, I have some ideas that can improve the gaming experience of kaw ;)

    Create A Group Chat Option Between Players-This will allow people to chat with their clannies even if they are out of their clan

    Screenshot's can be sended to other players-This will help mainly if a player is farmed and needs proof of It
  2. Improve your forum thread. There are other apps where we can SS our nood.less. Leaving clan while group chat is open can be abuse for moles like me.
  3. First timer here bro
  4. Pics can sometimes be bad because of.......
    But pics as a proof can help though......
    I don't know....
  5. I would rather trust someone to give me 3rd part info IN PM and have it sent there, than see some of the trolls here.
  6. How about buying armour
  7. I support the chat room just for peeps you want. Wc is useless to me...I think the Allie chat is useless as well. Full support to be able to chat to those whom I want to chat with. Inside or outside my clan
  8. How about no
  9. While having new ideas is good, you should go more into depth on them for forums to support you. Forum people want details for two reasons. 1. To fully understand it and 2. Take make sure you actually put effort into your idea.

    To be honest, I didn't read OP, but I could tell you barely put any thought into your ideas given the length of your explanation for them.

    Maybe put some considerable detail in another thread? I'm sure they're interesting ideas :)
  10. Well a good idea would be removing the battle buttons you lot are just EB fairies anyways bruh