Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Devil-Man, Sep 23, 2011.

  1. Does anybody care? The name of the game is Kingdoms at WAR. If they want to throw Mithril at us who cares. It is going to throw us into the stone age and make everyone battle again. The strong shall survive and the rest will quit and find other games and apps like, angry birds 75. I say we usher in a new age and say let world chat be FREE to everyone. This way even those cheapskates on pc's can voice their opinions. ENOUGH !!!! It is now time to hone your skills and FIGHT!!!
  2. Free speakers = Flooded chat.

    Buy them.
  3. ... And the crowd goes wild?
  4. speak

    Pay to speak? Rearry....
  5. I like everything in red. Because red reminds me of blood. And I like blood. Yeah baby.
  6. @Devil, go.... Just go
  7. Nothing's going to change...

    PWar --> EB for money
    "Real" System War --> lolnope
    Strip Wars --> still there...

    Mithril introduction --> 2-sided Mithril Wars come out as mentioned in another thread with a hitting side that is around equivalent to the weight of the OSF side, whose hitters hit tax free OSF opens on the hitting side. The hitting side hits the OSF's side's HLBC OSF but at a 40% tax in exchange for Mithril. Hitting clan would be roughly equal to prestige and strength as OSF clan if there's a switch-off everytime. Mithril payout would be consistent.

    In the end, it's all about real-life cash to grow fast.