Hi all, I thought that with these new eb achievements coming out, that I would get them down for you all to check out. Obviously I don't have many yet, as most clans haven't done them! If you have any that I don't have please tell me (pm/wall/on thread) T6 TOC: +0% att/def/spatt/spdef NG: +0% att/def/spatt/spdef SS: +0% att/def/spdef +1% spatt SR: +0% att/def +1% spat/spdef T7 TBO: +0% att/def/spatt/spdef TT: +0% att/def/spatt/spdef CTT: +0% att/def/spatt/spdef COR: +0% def/spatt/spdef +1% att TGL: +0% spatt/spdef +1% att/def T8 STP +0% att/def/spatt/spdef TVD +0% att/def/spatt/spdef DS +0% att/def/spatt +1% spdef ACC +0% att/def +1% spatt/spdef I hope this helps, and that the other achievements are more rewarding! hggggggggg
Ummmm perhaps you should wait until you know what the achievements will be before doing a guide....just saying...
How's it a guide if has no details on it? Maybe wait and do some research ? Instead of posting one just be first. :roll: