new eb

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Rubberdude, Jan 31, 2013.

  1. Can we get a better paying new eb please mods
  2. If u want to have better EBs ask the devs not mods
  3. Can I troll this thread?
  4. Do it corsiva I'll help
  5. OK hold on, Photobucket is being mean. Every time I close this one ad, it just pops right back up again.
  6. Haha kk. OP... there's this thing called battlelist. Hit it a few times
  7. Ah, there we go.
  8. there was a new one released today called "Rubberdude"

    i highly recommend it.
  9. Hmm for once listen to the weatherman
  10. Watch me get a forum ban for this one 
  11. My bad I meant devs
  12. hit the little "feedback" button to send suggestions to the devs, dude.
  13. OP this is Kingdoms at War, key word being WAR, clearly you're a noob who is afraid to lose imaginary money.
  14. OP is a genius, asking mods for new ebs :lol: :lol: :lol: