new eb

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by 4A6F73-HEX-687561, Jul 21, 2012.

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  1. last phrase on cave of riches and 350k left 6hrs and we need more helmet people
  2. Really?!?..
  3. just no.
  4. That's a shame because you won't find help here. Sorry. Maybe someone in wc cares.
  5. Pretty sure this belongs in wc. Please don't spam forums.
  6. You did this yesterday thread got locked now you do it again...
  7. forum ban evidence thread

    Please kern the difference between forum and WC. This belongs on wc, and don't tell me you are here because you hane no speakers. You may

    1. Purchase more speakers


    2. Have a buddy advertise for you on wc
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