new eb payout

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by A_bus_full_of_nuns, May 1, 2014.

  1. Just so everyone knows skull users get paid. I had 152 hits and had a end payout of 75 mil.
  2. You got 76 bil
  3. I used my skull by accident during an attack cuz I didn't know about it(I just turned ps like 30 min ago). Is there anything I can do about that 
  4. 76 Bil* my bad lol
  5. Anyone else have this problem?
  6. Great payout. Whats the eb bar hitting order please
  7. So based on my payout 70b was from the skull.
  8. How many feathers?
  9. Crazy payout is crazy.
  10. Just using item? Or hitting as well?
  11. Only had 150 ish hits so not much came from hits