Okay, so I've had this idea for a while. We should have an eb that pays way better than our current eb which is of course, HTE. Why? Because of KaW inflation and the fact that HTE is getting boring :lol: What will we call it? Zelthaor the Awful HTE requires a seal, what about Zelthaor the Awful? Well since this eb pays better we should also bump up the pricing. Maybe your annual pay? Maybe your soul. There was one user who suggested that it should be a hundred or so nobs, but that's just stupid-sauce. Opinions?
It should be an all scouting (no attacks) EB that regenerates so that you have to max xtal to beat it.
maybe couple of hundreds of nobs to open and 1 hit to finish(that hit pays 763739653970636530653 gold) t :lol: :lol:
Look man, I like you but do you know how idiotic your post was? Hte is devs primary money maker. If they were to remove Hte it would be replaced by another pay to play like eb. What I'm basically trying to say is, no Hte=No crazy income, hte=monies!
Also, if you want osw... Don't join the fight Zaft xD can't call it an osw If dey is no fightings backs.