New Compensation For No Match Scenarios:

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SO__Calikid__RA, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. Kaw admin:

    Your beloved community understands the need to buy crystals. No problem. However, if there is not a remedy to No-Match scenarios then I can guarantee you will lose more of the community than gain new followers soon enough. I’m almost out of my $100 of crystals and with our recent 3 no match ups (that’s 25% of Rancor wars thus far) I’m beginning to consider leaving the game since my hard earned cash goes to no use…
    It’s impressive you have been answering some forum questions, telling us what needs to be done per clan for a match up, offering graphs, explanations, etc. yet I still see very little “customer service” or at least the service of your customers. This is key to our success of having fun and willing to pay you for it.
    Although The Vanished Paladins eb relieves some of the pain of no war, mith and gold payout being so low if you crystal or not, here are a few idea to help the community understand you are trying to work with us more.

    If no match, consider these forms of compensation we would like to see:
    - Keep The Vanished Paladins eb afloat, this was a grand idea you brought to us and widely accepted AND:
    - Give each person 1 crystal (a little something for the individual)
    - Give each person 1 rancor level (most would probably prefer this over mith or crystals anyhow)
    - Give each clan 1 prestige point (a little something for the clan as a whole)
    - Give all of the above (honestly, for what we give to you, this really isn’t that much to give back)

    After weeks of trial and error, I feel as if it is not us that is failing your match up system, but your system that is failing us. The 2 hours after match up is for us to prepare for war… if your system shows a clan could have warred had they signed up 1,2, or even 5 people less, or their BFA is higher/lower than others around them there is something you can do.
    Remedy: have a dev PM or send a message to the owner/admin in clan with WoC casted (clans will know to switch ownership to someone or have an admin present for war) and tell them they have 10mintues to drop some players or drop some bfa and you will refresh the system to try one last time for match ups. It only takes 10-15mintues for the matchups to be made after roster lock anyhow.

    You telling a clan “You had too many members for the range around you. Try signing up with 26 members next time” almost means nothing because how do you know the ones around us next time won’t have higher or lower cs or bfa for that war? Then we are back at square one… no match scenario.
    Remedy: tighten the numbers of min and max players to around 25-30. Keep it simple.

    I’ve noticed an increase in no match ups instead of a decrease this week. Surely you want more people warring, if not everyone, as this is the same desire from the community. Many of us would be grateful if you considered any or all of the above to appease the situation(s).

    Thank you for your time.

  2. Support that
  3. They need to increase the number of clans that sign up. I gave a detailed response on their estoc trials Q
  4. SupportSupport
    That is 1 solution.Or remove Nomatchup system like earlier wars is another solution
  5. go away please, you think it will be fair earn so many bonuses for no-matchup wars???? Bonuses you describe are for most players better than fight in war ... when you count cost of every war (xtals, pots).
    Your solution = Then will all LB players go to one clan I get no matchup (very easy way to do this...)

    This is totally bad idea, sorry dont give big reward for NO-matchups (clans that are overpowered);

    all clans could lower rosters or split for matchup, so why more reward for over-powering ???????????
    :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
  6. Soul, if you have read anything the devs have said, they will not let people exploit the No Match. You fail, hard.
    When you have something constructive to add rather than something the devs have already promised to rule out, then come back.
    You need a few more question marks there too, just sayin...

    And besides the "small reward" (nothing I've said are big rewards anyhow), if you don't like that, than what about anyhthing else I've said?
    Please, be more kind in your thoughts. All we want is a solution.

    Even if they removed the No Match all together and match everyone like they used too. You could have said that you know...
  7. Between the mith I received and gold payout I made over 13 bil in 3 hours. Find me an eb that pays that good without doing items.
  8. I agree that not many clans participate = main reason of this are xtals, coz this game is going to be for ppl who could spend real money for xtals .... this is evident problem

    Devs should tell us % of clans which participate in wars, i think its less than <5%

    No matchup is bad i know ... but i think max 10 mith / no matchup is enough compensation

    btw i think this epic idea isnt good, better if all no-matchup ppl get mith directly ....

    +1 rancor or +1 xtal are big rewards .... add this to game and i will be happy to get no-machup every day....
  9. What's worm talking about? We want miths....who cares about the gold. Dont u war for miths, ee level and rancor level now?
  10. So wait let me make sure I understand. Because there isn't a clan that can be matched equally with you KAW should give you a crystal, a rancor level, and the moon? Would you like a back rub or maybe a ribeye and a cold beer as well? I thought the Rancor Wars was just an addition to the game. What did you do before them to keep yourself occupied that has been changed by this new addition to game? Apparently you weren't around when people were filling up threads and crying about horrible matchups and wanting something to be changed.
  11. I was here bro, I remember our matchup in iG against ZAFT 67 vs 97 ppl .... that's bad matchup; devs very improved game, I like how they change things

    now it's just time to get more clans in wars....
  12. The moon and a back rub... sounds wonderful actually.

    I'm far from crying, I'm just trying to help them find a solution maybe they haven't thought of. Think outside the box for a second.

    If you can only seem to read the begining notion of my thread, what about the latter? About them contacting others in game to help fix the issue before a no match is concluded? About them making the min/max smaller rather than larger as they polled and got denied?

    I mean come on people, use ur brain and help think of something rather than sitting behind your computer and insult with haste.

    This is all regarding the fact their system is failing us, we are not failing the system when we don't get a match up. Therefore compensate us appropriately. Why must we take the fall of possibly winning 50-70+ mith in a war compared to 10-14 in an eb for something their system failed?
  13. I can not agree with u more, Soul. I feel the pain too. But if something isn't done, even if they would just remove the whole no match as it used to be, more clans will simply opt out of wars.
  14. They need to give activity based rewards for people in losing clans.

    There's too much risk in war by losing all that mith and gold in pots.

    Clans new to war aren't gonna risk all that gold.

    The fix for bad matchups is adding more clans. You get more clans to participate by reducing the risks associated with losing. It's a pretty straightforward if you ask me.

    Without changing the current syatem, these estocs trials will end up with a small handful of clans left by the end. The winners will keep winning, and the losers will keep losing until no one is left.
  15. Participation, increase it!

    Warring people nw are a small minority of the game, including many LB clans, why is that?

    Firstly, most kaw players are mouth breathers, don't know what war is, don't care. Fair enough, but there are many who want to war but can't or don't.

    Get them in!

    Some want to war but don't want to tower up cos they want to grow, many can't bear the thought of losing cos its so bloody expensive.

    Can't get into a winning clan? Best not war at all.

    Was in a clan that fought a war which was basically case of blind leading the blind, and I admire them for trying.

    Reward people for playing. If you lose a war, and your actions would have won you 100mitgs if you won, reward maybe 70, applying a 30% penalty for losing.

    Will it work? Who knows, but try something.