New clan

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by XxX_WoLf_XxX, Apr 22, 2015.

  1. Hey guys, Wolf here!

    just wondering if I could get some help on starting my new clan White Flag I want to get it to a b2b haunting clan for now and then convert to hte when me and my friend are ready so please come and join and help us run unlocks :) up to reckoning now and will need help thanks
  2. Hi wolf always a pleasure to talk to you and I hope your clan does well as your a friendly and good person i will visit in the future my friend
  3. now up to foreign territories and need some more perms please come and join
  4. No support for hte clan :)
  5. 10/10 recruitment thread

  6. I'm not sure if we will but right now b2b haunting